17.Surah Al Isra

The Quranic Text & Ali’s Version:

وَآتِ ذَا الْقُرْبَى حَقَّهُ وَالْمِسْكِينَ وَابْنَ السَّبِيلِ...   

17:26.  And render to the kindred their due rights, as (also) to those in want, and to the wayfarer:

C2208. In the Jewish Decalogue, which was given to a primitive and hard-hearted people, this refinement of Kindness, -to those in want and to wayfarers (i.e., total strangers whom you come across) finds no place.

Nor was there much danger of their wasting their substance out of exuberance. Even the command "to honour thy father and mother" comes after the ceremonial observance of the Sabbath.

With us, the worship of Allah is linked up with kindness;

-         to parents, kindred,

-         those in want,

-         those who are far from their homes though they may be total strangers to us.

It is not mere verbal kindness. They have certain rights which must be fulfilled.

...وَلاَ تُبَذِّرْ تَبْذِيرًا ﴿٢٦﴾

but squander not (your wealth) in the manner of a spendthrift.

C2209. All charity, kindness, and help are conditioned by our own resources. There is no merit if we merely spend out of bravado or for idle show.

How many families are ruined by extravagant expenses at weddings, funerals, etc., or (as they may call it) to "oblige friends or relatives", or to give to able-bodied beggars?

To no one was this command more necessary than it is to Muslims of the present day.

إِنَّ الْمُبَذِّرِينَ كَانُواْ إِخْوَانَ الشَّيَاطِينِ...   

17:27.  Verily spendthrifts are brothers of the Evil Ones;

...وَكَانَ الشَّيْطَانُ لِرَبِّهِ كَفُورًا ﴿٢٧﴾

and the Evil One is to his Lord (Himself) ungrateful.

C2210. Spendthrifts are not merely fools. They are of the same family as the Satan.

And the Satan himself-fell by his ingratitude to Allah. So those who misuse or squander Allah's gifts are also ungrateful to Allah.


وَإِمَّا تُعْرِضَنَّ عَنْهُمُ ابْتِغَاء رَحْمَةٍ مِّن رَّبِّكَ تَرْجُوهَا...   

17:28.  And even if thou hast to turn away from them in pursuit of the Mercy from thy Lord which thou dost expect,

...فَقُل لَّهُمْ قَوْلاً مَّيْسُورًا ﴿٢٨﴾

yet speak to them a word of easy kindness.

C2211. You may have to "turn away" from people for two reasons.

-        You may not have the wherewithal with which to entertain them and give them their rights; or

-        you may have to give them a wide berth because their thoughts are not as your thoughts.

In either case there is no need to speak harshly to them. Your words should be those of "easy kindness", i.e., the sort of kindness (not merely frigid politeness) which flows from pity and understanding and smoothes over unnecessary difficulties in human intercourse.

وَلاَ تَجْعَلْ يَدَكَ مَغْلُولَةً إِلَى عُنُقِكَ...   

17:29.  Make not thy hand tied (like a niggard's) to thy neck,

C2212. Cf. the phrase for niggardliness in 5:64.

We are not to be so lavish as to make ourselves destitute and incur the just censure of wise men, nor is it becoming to keep back our resources from the just needs of those who have a right to our help. Even strangers have such a right, as we saw in 17:26 above. But we must keep a just measure between our capacity and other people's needs.

...وَلاَ تَبْسُطْهَا كُلَّ الْبَسْطِ فَتَقْعُدَ مَلُومًا مَّحْسُورًا ﴿٢٩﴾

nor stretch it forth to its utmost reach, so that thou become blameworthy and destitute.

إِنَّ رَبَّكَ يَبْسُطُ الرِّزْقَ لِمَن يَشَاء وَيَقْدِرُ...   

17:30.  Verily thy Lord doth provide sustenance in abundance for whom He pleaseth, and He provideth in a just measure:

C2213. If a foolish spendthrift pretends that his generosity, even if it ruins himself, is good for other people, he is reminded that Allah will take care of all. He knows every one's true needs and cares for them.

He gives in abundance to some, but in all cases He gives in just measure. Who are we to pretend to greater generosity! (R).

إِنَّهُ كَانَ بِعِبَادِهِ خَبِيرًا بَصِيرًا ﴿٣٠﴾

for He doth know and regard all His servants.

Pickthall’s Version:

17: 26

Pickthall Give the kinsman his due, and the needy, and the wayfarer, and squander not (thy wealth) in wantonness.

Transliteration Wa a_ti zal qurba_ haqqahu_ wal miskina wa-bnas sabili wa la_ tubazzir tabzira_(n).

17: 27

Pickthall Lo! the squanderers were ever brothers of the devils, and the devil was ever an ingrate to his Lord.

Transliteration Innal mubazzirina ka_nu_ ikhwa_nasy syaya_tin(i), wa ka_nasy syaita_nu li rabbihi kafu_ra_(n).

17: 28

Pickthall But if thou turn away from them, seeking mercy from thy Lord, for which thou hopest, then speak unto them a reasonable word.

Transliteration Wa imma_ tu'ridanna 'anhumu-btiga_'a rahmatim mir rabbika tarju_ha_ fa qul lahum qaulam maisu_ra_(n).

17: 29

Yusuf Ali Make not thy hand tied (like a niggard's) to thy neck nor stretch it forth to its utmost reach so that thou become blameworthy and destitute.

Pickthall And let not thy hand be chained to thy neck nor open it with a complete opening, lest thou sit down rebuked, denuded.

Transliteration Wa la_ taj'al yadaka maglu_latan ila_ 'unuqika wa la_ tabsutha_ kullal basti fa taq'uda malu_mam mahsu_ra_(n).

17: 30

Pickthall Lo! thy Lord enlargeth the provision for whom He will, and straiteneth (it for whom He will). Lo, He was ever Knower, Seer of His slaves

Transliteration Inna rabbaka yabsutur rizqa limay yasya_'u wa yaqdir(u), innahu_ ka_na bi 'i