Ruby’s comment on how the element of fear in human beings is dealt in Islam
Fear or fearlessness has influenced human history in the most profound way.
History on the one hand is littered with shameful defeats, submissive to unjust rule or colonial domination for a long time, immoral compromises, unethical or down right corrupt behaviors, etc. also waging wars out of fear, invading other nations out of fear, brothers killing brothers to stay in power, father imprisoning sons or vice a versa out of fear. The combination of fear and arrogance, both are severely denounced in Islam is even more demeaning and dangerous: wars were waged, invasions undertaken, violence and bloodshed perpetrated, as a result of the arrogance of power and position combined with the element of fear. Fear indeed has done tremendous disservice to mankind down through the time.
It is fear that compels a people or a nation accept dominance of a undemocratic unjust ruler or regime or accept the false indoctrinations of a religious institution. Even in a democratic situation the majority often becomes silent fearing the powerful and the wealthy vested interests and their ruthless corrupt agendas.
Fear exists among people who do not have faith and trust in God. They rely on human ability and factors only. And when they see that the difficulty of the struggle against the powerful ones they often compromises and remain silent because of fear of persecution or defeat. Therefore they become obsessed with fear and take stands that are to protect them but in reality those are detrimental to them.
On the other hand victories gained through revolutions and massive social reforms by virtue of conquering fear. Great changes could take place and humanity served because courageous and moral people showed up in history to fight against injustice, oppression and dysfunction.
Islam takes fear away off of the believers who believe God is Almighty and the Ultimate Disposer of all affairs. A believer then rely on God and trust him in the struggles against injustices and wrongs coming from the powerful groups such as a government or a religious institution when these are doing wrongs.
The faith and trust in God lead the believers take enormous amount of risks to fight injustices and wrongs in spite of the adverse situations. In the long run these are the people who succeed. There is a prevalent misconception between fear and due concern. The former is destructive and the later is constructive. One can take due measures anticipating some possible negative outcomes but if one is struck by fear and paranoia it is likely the actions that would emerge as a result would be detrimental and counter-productive. In reality fear cannot be totally eliminated but it can be well-managed with conviction and trust in God even in the worst of the situations such as wars and crisis.