114 – No of suras [chapters] in the Quran

114 also is the number of Neutron in a nucleus that makes the most stable and immensely durable element in the universe. This is supposed to be the PERFECT element. It has not been found in the nature yet.


23 degree is the angle of Earth’s axis tilted causing seasons and environment and balance.

approximately about 23 factors
are participating in its formation distributed mainly

1- Water that forms from 65% to 70% of the human body
     (H) hydrogen (O) oxygen

2- The biological compounds basically formed from:
      - Oxygen (O)
      - Hydrogen (H)
      - Carbon (C)
      - Sugar
      - Fats
      - Proteins
      - Vitamins
      - Hormones
      - Yeasts

3- Dry substances can be classified into:
     A. Seven substances which are:
          -  Chorine (CL)
          -  Sulfur (S)
          -  Phosphorus (P)
          -  Magnesium (MG)
          -  Potassium (K)
          -  Sodium (Na)
           And these factors form from 60% to 80 % of
the dry substances

     B.  Seven substances in a lower ratio:
          -  Iron (Fe)
          -  Copper (Cu)
          -  Iodine (I)
          -  Manganese (MN)
          -  Cobalt (Co)
          -  Zinc (Zn)
          -  Molybdenum ( Mo)

      C. Six factors in a small ratio:
          -  Fluorine (F)
          -  Aluminum (AL)
          -  Boron (B)
          -  Selenium (Se)
          -  Cadmium (Cd)
          -  Chromium (Cr)

First: is basically formed of water and in a high
ratio so that man can never survive without water for
more than 4 days at most, despite the qualities that
he has to adapt with the dryness and that goes on with
all the living organisms so blessed Allah Who say:
(...We made from water every living thing. Will they
not then believe ??)

Second: all these factors are found in the earth's
dust, and it isn't a condition that all the contents
of the dust must be found inside the formation of the
human body, as there are more than 100 factors in the
earth while only 22 factors in the formation of the
human body which are discovered and the "Quran "
pointed to that as it said:  (... from a quintessence
(of clay) )


Reference : "with medicine in the Quran"
            Written by Dr- Abdul Hamid Diyab
            Dr- Ahmad Karkoz
            Quran science establishment