17. Surah Al Isra

The Quranic Text & Ali’s Version: 

رَّبُّكُمْ أَعْلَمُ بِكُمْ...   

17: 54.  It is your Lord that knoweth you best:

...إِن يَشَأْ يَرْحَمْكُمْ أَوْ إِن يَشَأْ يُعَذِّبْكُمْ...

if He please, He granteth you mercy, or if He please, punishment:

C2239. Man should never for a single moment entertain a thought that would imply that he was wiser than Allah. Allah's knowledge is all-embracing. If He grants mercy to some that you consider wicked or punishment to some that you consider righteous, it is your knowledge or your deductions that are at fault, not Allah's righteous Plan.

Even Prophets of Allah are not sent to arrange or dispose of men's affairs, but only to teach Allah's Message. How much less can ordinary men presume to judge other men?

The Mashiyat -Will and Plan of Allah- is above all human wisdom. (R).

...وَمَا أَرْسَلْنَاكَ عَلَيْهِمْ وَكِيلاً ﴿٥٤﴾

We have not sent thee to be a disposer of their affairs for them.

Other Versions:

17: 54

Asad Your Sustainer is fully aware of what you are: if He so wills, he will bestow [His] Grace upon you; and if He so wills, He will chastise you. Hence, We have not sent you with the power to determine their fate,

Pickthall Your Lord is best aware of you. If He will, He will have mercy on you, or if He will, He will punish you. We have not sent thee (O Muhammad) as a warden over them.

Transliteration Rabbukum a'lamu bikum, iy yasya' yarhamkum au iy yasya' yu'azzibkum, wa ma_ arsalna_ka 'alaihim wakila_(n).