70. Surah Al Ma'arij
The Quranic Text & Ali’s Version:
فَذَرْهُمْ يَخُوضُوا وَيَلْعَبُوا ...
70: 42. So leave them to plunge in vain talk and play about, ...
... حَتَّى يُلَاقُوا يَوْمَهُمُ الَّذِي يُوعَدُونَ ﴿٤٢﴾
... until they encounter that Day of theirs which they have been promised! --
C5703. Their talk, their skepticism, is vain, because all spiritual evidence is against it; it is like the foolish play of people who do not think seriously. But the tremendous Day of Judgment and Reality will come, as described in the next two verses.
Asad’s Version:
70:42 Hence, leave them to indulge in idle talk and play [with words]" until they face that [Judgment] Day of theirs which they have been promised (43) the Day when they shall come forth in haste from their graves, as if racing towards a goal-post, (44) with downcast eyes, with ignominy overwhelming them: that Day which they were promised again and again.... 20