24:23 [an-Nur, Medina 102]

[But,] verily, those who [falsely, and without repentance, 28 ] accuse chaste women who may have been unthinkingly careless but have remained true to their faith, 2 ' shall be rejected [from God's grace] in this world as well as in the life to come: and awesome suffering awaits them

(24:24) on the Day when their own tongues and hands and feet will bear witness against them by [recalling] all that they did!

[[ Asad’s notes - 28 According to Razi, the absence of repentance is incontrovertibly implied in the condemnation expressed in the sequence, since the Qur'an makes it clear in many places that God always accepts a sinner's sincere repentance.

29 Lit., "chaste, unmindful [or "careless"] believing women", i.e., virtuous women who

thoughtlessly expose themselves to situations on which a slanderous construction may be put.