2: 284 And whether you bring into the open what is in your minds or conceal it, God will call you to account for it ; and THEN HE WILL FORGIVE WHOM HE WILLS, And WILL CHASTISE WHOM HE WILLS: for God has the power to will anything.
3: 144, 45….and God will reward the thankful.(Pickthall).
……whereas God will requite all who are grateful (to Him). (Asad)
4: 40 Verily, God does not wrong [anyone] by as much as atom's weight; and if there be a good deed, He will multiply it, and will bestow out of His grace a mighty reward.
4: 49 Are you not aware of those who consider themselves pure? Nay, but it is God who causes whomever He wills to grow in purity; and none shall be wronged by as much as a hair's breath.
4: 64 ……If then, after having sinned against themselves, they would but come round to thee and ask God to forgive them….they would assuredly find that God is an acceptor of repentance, and dispenser of grace.
4 : 77 Say: Brief is the enjoyment of this world, whereas the life to come is the best for all who are conscious of God - since none of you shall be wronged by as much as a hair's breath .
4: 97…………………They will answer : "We were too weak on earth," [The Angels ] will say: "Was, then, God's earth not wide enough for you to forsake the domain of evil?
For such, then the goal is hell-and how evil a journey's end!
4: 98 But excepted shall be the truly helpless - be they man or women or children -who cannot bring forth any strength and have not been shown the right way:
4: 99 as for them, God may efface their sin - for God is indeed an absolver of sins, much-forgiving.
4:145 Verily, the hypocrite shall be in the lowest depth of the fire, and thou will find none who could succor them.
4:146 But excepted shall be those who repent, and live righteously, an hold fast unto God, and grow sincere in their faith in God alone: in time God will grant to all believers a mighty reward.
4: 147 Why would God cause you to suffer [for your past sins] if you are grateful and attain to belief- seeing that God is always responsive to gratitude, all-knowing?
4: 167 Behold, those who are bent on denying the truth and on turning others away from the path of God have indeed gone far astray. – God will indeed not forgive them, not will He guide them
4: 168, 168 Behold, those who are bent on denying the truth and on evildoing – God will indeed not forgive them, not will He guide them onto any road but the road that leads to hell, therein to abide beyond the count of time: and this is indeed easy for God.
53: 32 As for those who avoid the (truly) grave sins and shameful deeds – even though they may sometims stumble – behold, thy Sustainer is abounding in forgiveness.