Transparency and Open acknowledgment of failures of leaders:
After the Mecca victory, the Prophet sent Khalid ibn al Waleed to the Beni Jadheema clan of Beni Kinana to convey the message of Islam in a friendly way and ask them to convert and the Prophet commanded him to avoid bloodshed.
However he had an old grudge to settle, Khaled’s uncle was killed by Beni Jahdeema, and Khaled took to opportunity to take revenge and killed several of the people when they laid down their arms as he commanded.
When the Prohphet Md heard about it, he went straight to the courtyard of the Kaaba, he raised his hands above his head and cried aloud, “O God, I am innocent before Thee of what Khaled has done.”
Then Ali was sent immediately with a large sum of cash to pay blood-money for all who had been killed, a generous compensation for any losses of property.
[[ Ref. The Life and Times of Muhammad, by Sir John Glubb , pp 319-320] ]