Sura-19 [Maryam mecca 44]

The Quranic Text & Ali’s version:


مَا كَانَ لِلَّهِ أَن يَتَّخِذَ مِن وَلَدٍ سُبْحَانَهُ...   

19:35.  It is not befitting to (the majesty of) Allah that He should beget a son.

Glory be to Him!

...إِذَا قَضَى أَمْرًا فَإِنَّمَا يَقُولُ لَهُ كُن فَيَكُونُ ﴿٣٥﴾

When He determines a matter, He only says to it,


and it is.

C2487. Begetting a son is a physical act depending on the needs of men's animal nature. Allah Most High is independent of all needs, and it is derogatory to Him to attribute such an act to Him. It is merely a relic of pagan and anthropomorphic materialist superstitions.

Asad’s Version:

19: 35

Asad It is not conceivable that God should have taken unto Himself a son: limitless is He in His glory! When He wills a thing to be, He but says unto it “Be” – and it is!

Yusuf Ali It is not befitting to (the majesty of) Allah that He should beget a son. Glory be to Him! When He determines a matter He only says to it "Be" and it is.

Pickthall It befitteth not (the Majesty of) Allah that He should take unto Himself a son. Glory be to Him! When He decreeth a thing, He saith unto it only: Be! and it is.

Transliteration Ma_ ka_na lil la_hi ay yat takhidza miw waladin subha_nah idza_ qadha_ amran fa in nama_ yaqu_lu lahu_ kun fayaku_n

19: 36 And [thus it was that Jesus always said]: “Verily, God is my Sustainer as well as your Sustainer; so worship [none but] Him: this [alone] is a straight way.”

Yusuf Ali Verily Allah is my Lord and your Lord: Him therefore serve ye: this is a Way that is straight.

Pickthall And lo! Allah is my Lord and your Lord. So serve Him. That is the right path.

Transliteration Wa in nal la_ha rab bi wa rab bukum fa'budu_h ha_dza_ shira_thum mustaqim

[ Ruby’s notes: This is simple. The Creator who created everything, why He would become part of His own creation? The Almighty who is the Sustainer of everything, why He would manifest Himself as one of the thing or person He Sustains? The One who is infinite and beyond comprehension, why He would reveal Himself as a finite thing or person? These questions are rational questions and the answers should be simple: it does not make any sense to think and worship an infinite unseen Supreme Being to be a finite person in flesh and blood. Seeing the Universe the concept of Trinity does not make sense. The God and Creator is one and He cannot be a part of His own creation. This then should lead to true submission, the Straight Path, the Religion for mankind that complies with the dictate of ‘fitratAllah’ laid down in the Quran in 30:30. ]