49. Surah Al-Hujurat (The Private Apartments)
Medina Period 106 [18 verses]9H
Asad’s Version:
49:9 Hence, if two groups of believers fall to fighting,' make peace between them; but then, if one of the two [groups) goes on acting wrongfully towards the other, fight against the one that acts wrongfully until it reverts to God's commandment; 10 and if they revert, make peace between them with justice, and deal equitably (with them]: for verily, God loves those who act equitably!
49:10 All believers are but brethren." Hence, [whenever they are at odds,] make peace between your two brethren, and remain conscious of God, so that you might be graced with His mercy.
The Quranic Text & Ali’s Version:
مِنَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ
49: 9. If two parties among the Believers fall into a quarrel make ye peace between them:
C4927. Individual quarrels are easier to compose than group quarrels, or, in the modem world, national quarrels. But the collective community of Islam should be supreme over groups or nations. It would be expected to act justly and try to compose the quarrel, for peace is better than fighting.
But if one party is determined to be the aggressor, the whole force of the community is brought to bear on it. The essential condition of course is that there should be perfect fairness and justice and respect for the highest principles; for Islam takes account of every just and legitimate interest without separating spiritual from temporal matters.
The League of Nations failed because these essentials were absent and today the United Nations fails for the same reason. (R).
...فَإِن بَغَتْ إِحْدَاهُمَا عَلَى الْأُخْرَى فَقَاتِلُوا الَّتِي تَبْغِي حَتَّى تَفِيءَ إِلَى أَمْرِ اللَّهِ...
but if one of them transgresses beyond bounds against the other, then fight ye (all) against the one that transgresses until it complies with the command of Allah;
...فَإِن فَاءتْ فَأَصْلِحُوا بَيْنَهُمَا بِالْعَدْلِ وَأَقْسِطُوا...
but if it complies, then make peace between them with justice, and be fair:
...إِنَّ اللَّهَ يُحِبُّ الْمُقْسِطِينَ ﴿٩﴾
for Allah loves those who are fair (and just).
49: 10. The believers are but a single Brotherhood:
C4928. The enforcement of the Muslim Brotherhood is the greatest social ideal of Islam. On it was based the Prophet's Sermon at his last pilgrimage, and Islam cannot be completely realized until this ideal is achieved.
... فَأَصْلِحُوا بَيْنَ أَخَوَيْكُمْ ...
So make peace and reconciliation between your two (contending) brothers:
... وَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ لَعَلَّكُمْ تُرْحَمُونَ ﴿١٠﴾
And fear Allah, that ye may receive Mercy.
[[Asad’s notes - 9 The expression "fighting" comprises in this context all modes of discord and contention, both in word and deed, evidently as a consequence of the slanderous rumours spoken of in verse 6 above.
10 I.e., that the believers should act as brethren (see next verse).
1 1 The plural noun ikhwah ("brethren" or "brotherhood") has here, of course, a purely ideological connotation, comprising men and women alike; the same applies to the subsequent mention of "your two brethren" .]]
5. Surah Al-Ma'idah
The Quranic Text & Ali’s Version:
5: 42. (They are fond of) listening to falsehood, of devouring anything forbidden.
C747. Devouring anything forbidden: both in a literal and in a figurative sense.
In the figurative sense, it would be:
- the taking of usury or bribes, or
- taking undue advantage of people's weak position or
- their own fiduciary powers to add to their own wealth.
... فَإِن جَآؤُوكَ فَاحْكُم بَيْنَهُم أَوْ أَعْرِضْ عَنْهُمْ ...
If they do come to thee, either judge between them, or decline to interfere.
C748. Where it is merely a trick to catch out the unwary, a just man may honorably decline to interfere in a cause submitted to him, as also in a case where the parties are not honestly desirous of justice, but each hopes that some partiality will be shown to it.
... وَإِن تُعْرِضْ عَنْهُمْ فَلَن يَضُرُّوكَ شَيْئًا...
If thou decline, they cannot hurt thee in the least.
... وَإِنْ حَكَمْتَ فَاحْكُم بَيْنَهُمْ بِالْقِسْطِ إِنَّ اللّهَ يُحِبُّ الْمُقْسِطِينَ ﴿٤٢﴾
If thou judge, judge in equity between them; for Allah loveth those who judge in equity.
فِيهَا ...
5: 45. We ordained therein for them:
C754. The retaliation is prescribed in three places in the Pentateuch, viz,. Exod. 21:23-25: Leviticus 24:18-21, and Deut, 19:21.
The wording in the three quotations is different, but in none of them is found the additional rider for mercy, as here.
Note that in Matt. 5:38. Jesus quotes the Old Law "eye for eye," etc,, and modifies it in the direction of forgiveness, but the Quranic injunction is more practical.
Even where the injured one forgives, the State or Ruler is competent to take such action as is necessary for the preservation of law and order in Society. For crime has a bearing that goes beyond the interests of the person injured: the Community is affected: see 5:32.
... أَنَّ النَّفْسَ بِالنَّفْسِ وَالْعَيْنَ بِالْعَيْنِ...
- "Life for life,
- eye for eye,
... وَالأَنفَ بِالأَنفِ وَالأُذُنَ بِالأُذُنِ وَالسِّنَّ بِالسِّنِّ وَالْجُرُوحَ قِصَاصٌ ...
- nose for nose,
- ear for ear,
- tooth for tooth,
- and wounds equal for equal."
... فَمَن تَصَدَّقَ بِهِ فَهُوَ كَفَّارَةٌ لَّهُ...
But if anyone remits the retaliation by way of charity, it is an act of atonement for himself.
C755. This is not part of the Mosaic Law, but the teaching of Jesus and of Muhammad.
Notice how the teaching of Jesus is gradually introduced as leading up to the Quran.
... وَمَن لَّمْ يَحْكُم بِمَا أنزَلَ اللّهُ فَأُوْلَـئِكَ هُمُ الظَّالِمُونَ ﴿٤٥﴾
And if any fail to judge by (the light of) what Allah hath revealed, they are (no better than) wrongdoers.
C756. The seeming repetitions at the end of verses 44, 45 and 46 are not real repetitions. The significant words in the three cases are:
- Unbelievers,
- wrong-doers, and
- rebellious;
and each fits the context.
- If the Jews tamper with their books they are Unbelievers;
- if they give false judgments, they are wrong-doers.
- If the Christians follow not their light, they are rebellious.
5: 42
Asad …………But if you do judge, judge between them with equity [note 56]: verily, God knows those who act equitably.
Pickthall Listeners for the sake of falsehood! Greedy for illicit gain! If then they have recourse unto thee (Muhammad) judge between them or disclaim jurisdiction. If thou disclaimest jurisdiction, then they cannot harm thee at all. But if thou judgest, judge between them with equity. Lo! Allah loveth the equitable.
Transliteration Samma_'u_na lil kazibi akka_lu_na lis suht(i), fa in ja_'u_ka fahkum bainahum au a'rid 'anhum, wa in tu'rida_'anhum falay yadurru_ka syai'a_(n), wa in hakamta fahkum bainahum bil qist(i), innalla_ha yuhibbul muqsitin(a).
5: 45 … for God loveth those who judge in equity.
( even for the non believers and enemies – see the first part of the verse)