knowledge, wisdom and piety are synonymous in Islam
- 35-28 Spiritual Ability Acquired Thru Piety Can Sense Truth
- [12-101]God Taught Yusuf To Interpret Dreams
- [12-22] Knowledge, Wisdom Given To Good People
- [12-68] Joseph Was Given Knowldege
- [15-53] Knowledge And Piety Same In Islam
- [17-36] Follow Not Wihtout Knowledge[ilm]
- [2-282] God Is The Teacher
- [29-43] Knowledgeables Can Grasp God's Message
- [29-43]None Grasp Meaning Except Righteous
- [3-18]endowed W Knowledge Uphold Justice
- [30-56] Knowledge-faith [Ilm-Iman] Lead To Success
- [35-28] Knowledgables Are Righteous
- [4-113] Book, Knowledge And Wisdom, Tremendous Favor From God
- [57-17] Reason [Aql] To Understand Messages In Nature
- [58-11] Piety And Knowlege Are Synonymous In Islam