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Questions and Answers - Jeffrey Lang and Aminah Assilmi
Belief and good deeds : Principles of Islam, Key to paradise. কোরআনের আলোকে জান্নাতের আসল চাবি |
The Purpose of Life - Jeffrey Lang
কোরআনের রোজা ও হাদিসের রোজা II সজল রোশন II Sajal Roshan -Durbiin.com
কোরআনে মানবজাতির একমাত্র সত্য ধর্মের ব্যাখ্যা | One Ever-True Religion For Mankind in the Quran.
Main Index of Quran
Main Index of Quran
1. There is no god but God [ la ilaha illallah ]
1b. One God, One Humanity, God doesn't Like Creating Divisions
2. One Root Religion [ al-Din ] for Mankind
3. Many Paths to God
4. Seek Commonality in Diversity and Help Each Other in Good Cause
5. Establish JUSTICE & Fairness in Humanity
6 Quran Confirms All Earlier Divine Scriptures & Messages
7 Three conditions of Salvation = faith in God + faith in Hereafter + good deeds
8 Success = Piety = Faith + Good Deeds
About God
About God's Mercy, Benevolence, & Forgiveness
All praise to God [alhamdulillah]
Best Judge, Best Witness
Best Provider, Sustenance giver
Cherisher-Sustainer of everything [rabbil alamin]
Creator [khalik], Originator [fatir], transformer [bariu]
Disposer of all affairs, Best Planner, Best Schemer
everything belongs to God
Glimpses of God's involvements with reality
God is beyond the reach of human conprehension
God is eternal
God is only Guardian, Protector, Helper, Savior
God is the Law giver, criteria setter
God is the only Lord [Malik], all else are servants
God is the Origin and the End of everything, everything returns to Him
God is the Truth, the Ultimate Reality
God never sleep, die, rest, forget, err
names of God, call God by any name
Omnipotent, Omnipresent, omniscient
Self-sufficient, limitless Glory, wantless
About Quran
1 Quran in Arabic-why
1 STRUCTURE Characteristics
sequence & timing of sura or chapters
Abrogation doctrine rejected
Allegories & Parables in Quran
Amazing Facts & Claims about Quran
challenges of Quran
No Contradiction-inconsisetncy in Quran
Prophecies in Quran
Quran claims it is totally CONSISTENT
Quran is always Protected & Preserved
Who can Understand Quran
CONVEY tilawat quran
Early Mystical Verses
Essence of all scriptures same
Guidelines in interpreting Quran
No Contradiction-inconsisetncy in Quran
reject rediculous contradictory Hadith and Sharia
who can understand Quran
Key Verses
Mystic Letters in Quran
Parables & metaphors in Quran
People of Book knew about Quran
Purpose of Quran
Quran alleged as Magic or Concokted
Quran gives validity to other Scriptures
Quran is foretold in earlier scriptures
Quran's appeal to use reason to accept Truth
Stories in Quran
What is Quran
detail, straight, complete, consistent, and perfect Messages
who can Understand Quran
About Religion
Different Ways [shirah, minhaj] to God
Freedom of Religion in Islams
Fundamentals of Religion, unity ordained
Islam and Muslims, some key ideas
No blind following [taqlid] in Islam
No Excess, No Hardship in religion
One Religion [Din]
Piety among Non-Muslims
Propagation of Faith
Rituals of Religion
The Straight Path [siratul mustakim]
Truth and Falsehood
Why One True Religion is distorted and become many?
About Religion - Most People Do Not Know the True Religion
About Society and Principles of Governance
A society should uphold rights of all God's khalifa [people]
Being God's Representatives [Khalifa], people collectively are sovereign
Checks and Balances
Consultation and Broad Decision Making Process
Establish Just Societies [see Justice under Main Index]
Moderation and Balance
Moderation and Balance
Pluralism in Islam: Attitude towards Non-Muslims
Principles of Governance - An Essay
Secret Counsel, Scheme, Intelligence
Uphold Trust, Fulfill Obligations and Commitments
All Originate from God and All ultimately Return to God
Blind Following [taqlid], conjecture, & extremes CONDEMNED
Causers - who can cause
God does not impose faith on a mind, man's free will decides
God's Will - the Cause of all causes
God causes righteousness in certain people
God chose things fr Humans
God gives Respite
God sets laws_No Change in God's Law
God willed upon Himself
God's Plans and Scemes are Exceedingly firm
with God rests final outcome of all events
human Free Will & Responsibility
God does not burden one beyond ability
human will a precondition fr Satan's Influence
No blind following [taqlid] in Islam
Not responsible if one does not know
One gets that one earns-No injustice
One is responsible for ownself only, not for another
responsibility towards Creation
human will works within God's Will
Articles and opinions
God's forgiveness, human efforts to avail
whom God does not forgive
God's guidance & help, human efforts to avail
whom God does NOT Help or Guide
Human will is a factor in outcome
whom God leads to or let go Astray
Intercession between God and human
Satan cannot cause
Causes and the State of FAILURE (al-Khusranu)
Abuse of Power and Possessions, Priests, etc
Apostasy-rejecting after believing
Articles and Opinions
Arrogance, ego, false pride and obstinacy
Believing but doing wrong things RUINS
Betraying Trust
Blind following others-not using reason
breaking Covenant with God
Breaking promise, agreement, oath etc
Changing God's Messages_Divide Religion
Collective Failings
Conspiracy to harm others
conspiracy, cynicism, fear-mongering against good work
cutting Relations_tuqattiu arhama
DERAIL or Hinder others from right path
DIVIDE, breakig up unity, sects, dissension
DOOMED-Grace withdrawn-losers
emersed in Evil
Enemies of God
evil doing_plot_scheme [munkar_makr_yamkurun]
EXCESS, extravagance & WASTE
FEAR due to lack of faith in God
following Satan
Forgetting Death-Judgmnt Day
God does not like these
what God does Not like-love
God let go Astray-mind sealed-deaf-blind etc
God will not forgive those
Grading Sins
heinous characteristics
Hell goers
Hiding wrong, excuses, pretexts
hypocrisy-half-heartedness [Munafiq]
inventing lies about God -most wicked
Killing-Violence-Aggression etc
AA-when killing is allowed
Violence and Aggression
Leading others to Astray
life Wasted [musrifin]
Losers (big)_Both worlds Lost for those
mindset dictate actions
Mischief on Earth
miser-niggardly-Anti Charity
Not learning, not using faculty of Reason, mind etc
Not trusting God, not relying on God
Not using REASON lead to ruin, hell
obsessed with this life-desire-forget God
Others Influence but one's own choice
Prayerless or wrong prayer leads to failure
Redicule God & man of god, Prophets
Rejection of God and Truth [kafir]
Causes of Rejection
Consequence of Rejection
God never requite except extreme rejecters [intensive form]
Not Believing-Rejecting lead to evilness
rejecting due to lac of knowledge
Rejections of Messages
Rejection of Hereafter
Riba & other abuse of Resources
Satan, worshipping and taking satan as protector
Shirk_assigning Parterns with God
SLANDER-derision-suspicion etc
state of FAILURE
Thinking God does not know everything
those that are lost
transgressors [TAAGIN]
Ungrateful-deny God's favors
Unjust-wrong doing-[zalim-ga'win]
Economic Injustice and Misconduct
failing Commitments
following Wrong Leaders or wrong company
God Does Not love-like etc
hard & arrogant
Injustice & Aggression
Fear & Aggression
Intoxication & Gambling
Lying Hypocrisy Distorting
Mocking faith & prayer
rebellion-insolence [YABGU]
Social Misconduct and Crimes
Temptations of Life
focusing LIFE
Succombed to Temptation
what God does NOT like-love
wrongfully Punishing people
unrepentend or repentence not accepted
wasted life-vain pursuits
What God does Not love [la-uhibbul ]
who Hinder others from faith-righteousness
whom God does not forgive
whom God does not guide
wrong attitude-Trials-Tests-punishments of Life
Opinion & Article
wrong doers plot against themselves
Wrong ideas about God
Causes of Success + State of Success
[] Success = Piety = Faith + Good Deeds
Charity, Prayer, Fasting & Pilgrimage ( Hajj )
charity as Penance
Charity for Whom
feeding poor
charity that fails, of no value
giving Sadaka
Loan [qardan] to God w great reward
Not be Niggardly [yabkhal]
Right Mindset in Charity
right [huq] of needy on one's wealth
Spending on Charity, do not do excess, moderation advocated
WHAT constitute charity
Zakat [obligatory charity-purifying dues]
Opinions and writings
Pilgrimage [Hajj]
best prayers mentioned in Quran
Congregassional Prayers
Establish Regular Prayer [Salat]
how to pray Salat [namaz]
Invoking Sustainer
prayer fr wrong things
Prayer Times
prayers by diff People
prayers of Prophets
Prayers of the Prophets
prayers those DO NOT count
Prayr- Difficult time
Communication, speaking, expressing, greeting
COMPASSION, Generosity & forgiveness
Creation & Physical Universe
Balance, Precision, in creation
Basic Characteristics of Physical Universe
created opposites & pairs [zaws] in everything
DIVERSITY in creation
Created with Truth and Purpose
Adam-Eve-Saytan story of Creation
Created Nature-THEN-guided-to-goals
created things beyond comprehension
created with Mercy-Benevolence, Truth and Justice
creation of Heaven-earth
Creation of Life & HUMAN BEINGS
Created Ruh [soul] nafs [innerself]-mind
Embryology_creation in WOMB
God adds to creation as He wills
Governance of the Creation
Wonders-Signs in God's creation mentioned
everything recorded in God's Books
God is the Creator-Sustainer of everything
God is the Origin and end of everything
Physical Universe
Animal World
Food & Drink
Vegetable world
End of this universe-see Day of destruction [Main Index]
Heaven & Earth
creat Heaven-Earth-everything
Human Life & Body
Living and Dead
Night & Day
SIZE big-small short-long etc
Universe Created with POWER, and it is EXPANDING
Primary creation, created out of nothing
Purpose of Creation
set terms
subjected many things to serve humans
Time, relativity of time
Twin Worlds of REALITY, Spiritual & Physical
Day of Destruction, Judgment, Hereafter
1 Day of Destruction [yaum-al-Qiamat]
2 Day of Resurrection [yaum-al-Qiamat]
3 Day of Judgment (doj) [Yaumuddin]
1 Fair judgment, no one will be wronged least
2 Detail Records placed clear and open
All people brought in, grouped, each in a lonely state
All witnesses and Messengers gathered
Day to answer, accountable before God
NO bargaining, ransome, intercession, excuse, respite
Witnesses on the Day of Judgment
4 Heaven, Hell, Hereafter [akhirat]
Changing state of existence in hereafter
conversations in Hereafter
The HOUR [sayati]
Dealings with People
dealings with wrongdoers
Divine Messages or Signs [ayat] to Mankind
Divine Messages in Books-Revelations [Wahy]
divine Inpiration wahi to non-Prophets
God erase or establish Revelations
God's Msg in Own Language
God's Word is DISTORTED
men changed God's messages
Messages sent Before, Quran validates earlier scriptures
Messages to Abraham
Messages to Prophets by INSPIRATION
Same Message to all Prophets, Message to mankind
Divine Signs [ayat] inscribed in Reality
Message to mankind
Miracles and Portents
Purpose of Divine Messages [ayat-wahy]
Reason paramount, miracle downplayed, in accepting Truth
Unseen Kitab of Divine Records
Do not be judgmental, God alone is the Judge
Faith & Deeds are important, Brands & Labels are Not
Family, Relatives, friends [kurba]
Good to Parents and relatives
Followers of Earlier Scriptures [ Ahlal Kitab ]
Dealings with non-Muslims
Piety among non-Muslims
Quran addresses Israelites [Jews]
Quran validates Messages of earlier scriptures that are not corrupted
clothing & modesty
Custom-ETIQUETTE- traditions
Food and drink
God installs checks and balances in human affairs, facilitates functionality through ranks
God Reserves the Right to Forgive Everybody
God's Judgment and Justice
Detail Records kept
God alone is the Judge, do not judge
God does no injustice, one gets that one earns
God gives respite or punishes instantly as He Wills
God is the Best Judge and Best Witness
God judge by best deeds for whom
Good deed rewarded more than it earns
Intercession between God and human
Judgment in Hereafter - SEE Main Index for Day of Destruction, Day of Judgment .......
God's Messengers & Warner sent to every civilization (umma) and to every age (ajalin) before Muhammad
God's Prophets or Messengers and their people
Chronology of Prophets in the Quran
Different endowments to different Prophets
Difficult struggles of Prophets
God and Prophet mentioned together
God delivered Prophets
Group of Prophets mentioned together
Messengers [Nabi], Apostle [Rasul]
Mission and Responsibilities of Prophets
No distinction among Prophets, All bear the same Message
Prophets and their stories mentioned in the Quran
Abel and Cain
Honors, titles, & Mission of Abraham
David and Solomon
Hud to the people of Ad
Jesus, Mary, & Christians
Crucifixion rejected, natural death indicated
Honors, titles & Mission of Jesus
Mary [Maryum]
Quran confirms Immaculate Conception
Quran rejects ideas of Trinity
Job or Ayub
Jonah [Yunus]
Lot & Sodom and Gomorrah
Moses, Pharaoh & Jews
Covenant with Israelites
Honors, titles, & Mission of Moses
Israelite - Children of Israel [Jews]
Moses & Pharaoh
Moses and Legendary Stories
Moses, early life and marriage
Muhammad [Md]
A Fallible human being
Events & revelations
After Hijra - 622 AD and later
Before Hijra - 622 or earlier
Hijra 622 AD
God and Prophet mentioned together
Honors, titles & Mission of Muhammad
Muhammad was foretold in other Scriptures
People & culture of his time
Arabia during Prophet's time
Believing Community
Difficult Enemies
non-Muslim but not enemies
Personal & family matters
Personality & character
Other Prophets
Salih to the people Thamud
Shuayb to the people of Madyan
The family of Imran
Prophets are all mortal human beings
Prophets are devout, most obedient servants of God
Prophets are FALLIBLE human beings
Prophets as Mercy to mankind
Prophets desired guidance for their people
Prophets did not ask any reward from their people
Prophets never asked any reward or compensation from their people
Prophets sent in the native languages of their people
Prophets sent to every nation [umma] but some areas might not be covered
Prophets' characteristics & dispositions
stories of non-Prophets in Quran
The Same Message to all Prophets
Human Rights in Islam
INHERENT Universal Human Rights
right to Property and economic parity
rights of family, kindred [kurba], needy, inheritance
social justice-collective right vs individual rights
to defend rights and fight injustice & oppression
human to God relationship
Intercession between God and human
Humans and Humanity
All human beings are Fallible with weaknesses
Diversity is God's Will, unity should be humanity's goal
God defeats, replaces or controls one group with another
Human to Human relationship
Internationalism in Islam
One God, one humanity
Position of a human being in Creation
Soul and human nature
Jihad, Peaceful Struggle or War
conduct in victory
honor Treaty-agreements-oaths
Jihad-peaceful struggle
conquered or gained properties from enemy
fight resolute, disciplined after war is thrust upon
in fighting, proportional damage
Martyrdom & killing for a cause
No offensive war in Islam
Prisoner of War and Slavery
Purpose, struggle until justice & rights prevail
quit fighting if enemy seek peace
When Jihad war is valid
Purpose, struggle still justice & rights prevail
Reconciliation-make peace
Knowledge (ilm), REASON (aql) & Wisdom (hikmah)
applying Reason [aql] paramount, Miracles downplayed
Articles & Opinions
Articles, Opinions
God-given knowledge, wisdom to Prophets
knowledge [ilm]
knowledge, wisdom and piety are synonymous in Islam
little knowledge is given to humans
No Blind following[Taqlid] in Islam
Not accept wrong traditions, superstitions, etc
Not using REASON and intellect lead to ruin
Pen and writing
pursuit of Knowledge, Wisdom paramount in Islam
Quran's appeal to use reason to accept Truth
using Mind is paramount in Islam
Wisdom [hekmah]
lessons of the PAST
Collective Punishment
God vindicates restores believers
lessons Lost
patterns in history
weak party defeat strong, small force defeat big ones
Life and death, Trials and Tribulations
birth and childhood
God's blessings in life
Life is full of illusions
Life's term or span predetermined
Ruh [soul], nafs [innerself]
When life begins in the process of creation
Life and Hereafter compared
Trials & tribulations of life
Man and Woman
Gender Equality
Often Quran use male gender to mean both men & women
Moderation advocated in Islam, no extremism
No blind following [taqlid] in Islam
Piety (taqwa, al-birra) Defined
Piety among followers of other brands of religion
Piety Reaches God, Not Rituals
Prophecies in Quran
Prophets sent to every civilization [Umma] & to every era [ajalin] before Muhammad
Quran is Preserved & Protected Forever
Rewards and Punishments
God gives Respite in this life
collective punishment
punishment in both worlds, here & Hereafter
Punishment in Hereafter
Punishment in Life
Purpsoe of Punishment in this life
sins for which No worldly punishment
Reward - Hereafter, paradise [Jannat]
Reward-in this life
rewards in BOTH worlds or general
Reward vs Punishment
Satan, Angels, Jinn, Hur, Magic
Magic & Sorcery
Tolerance and Pluralism in Islam
Universalism in Islam
Wealth, Sustenance, Inheritance, other financial matters
Business, Trade & Usuary [Riba]
Guidelines for some property matters
Huge wealth and arrogance lead to ruin
Managers-workers relationship
Social Justice and fair distribution of wealth
Spending guidelines
Sustenance [rizq]
Abuse of God given sustenance
Use of God given sustenance
Zakat [obligatory charity] - SEE Causes of Success, then charity
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Zafor Iqbal Shardar
2015-04-08 12:55:27
I like this website
Ruby Amatulla
2015-04-21 15:17:11
Thank you Zafor.
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Articles & Opinions
100 Instructions of the Quran
113 scholars, thinkers, leaders proclaim that APOSTASY has NO worldly punishment
About Music and Islam
Charter of Medina [Sahifat al-Madina], The First Written Constitution
Crisis of Culture
Did God send women prophets
Dr. Ghannushi on the book Fiqhuj Jihad by Dr. Qaradawi
Famous Sayings about Islam, Quran, & Prophet Muhammad [pbuh]
Farewell Message of Prophet Muhammad [peace be upon him]
God is the Judge, humans are not
Hajj Journey of a Life Time
Human Rights in Islam
Islam, Pluralism and Interfaith Dialogue
Islam, the Religion for mankind
Lies about the Massacre of the Jewish Tribe Banu Qurayza
Music in Islam
Muslim and nonMuslim Relations, Reflections on Some Quranic Texts
Principles of Governance in Islam
Problems Confronting the Muslim world : The Plight of Womenfolk in Muslim Society
Prophet Muhammad Promised to Christians in 628 AD
Quran is Not for Muslims Alone
Science Explains only a part of Truth
Stagnation of Thought, The Way Out
The Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam
The Legacy of Prophet Muhammad And the Issues of Pedophilia and Polygamy
The Marrakesh Declaration : Religious Rights of Minorities in Muslim Majority Societies
The Medina Charter, 'Sahifat al-Medina' a Gift to Mankind
The Origin of Life - an Islamic Perspective
The Pursuit of Knowledge and the Pursuit of Piety
Universal and Democratic Principles in Islam
Utilization of Zakah: Scope & Dimension
Was Ayesha A Six-Year-Old Bride? The Ancient Myth Exposed
Zafor Iqbal Shardar 2015-04-08 12:55:27
I like this website