Ruby Amatulla 2015-05-19 03:54:52
Thanks for your comment. Your suggestion is well taken. Inshallah, we will upload many more articles of scholars and thinkers of the past and of our time as we progress. Thank you very much for your articles you have sent us to enhance this site.
Shah Abdul Halim 2015-05-18 20:29:04
I am amazed to see the web The editor made sincere efforts while classifying the Text of the Quran. This will definitely benefit people who will visit the site. I honestly believe the editor of the web page Ms. Ruby Amatullah will make earnest endeavors to further expand the areas of classification. But the beginning is wonderful. I would request the editor upload more articles on the contemporary problems faced by the Muslim nation, Ummah. Shah Abdul Halim Chairman Islamic Information Bureau Bangladesh.